Can I buy an Instagram blue tick? And how many followers do you need for a blue tick on Instagram?

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Can I buy an Instagram blue tick? And how many followers do you need for a blue tick on Instagram?

The blue tick on Instagram is a symbol of authenticity and credibility. A small blue checkmark appears next to the username of certain Instagram accounts. This verification badge is given to accounts that are deemed to be of public interest, such as those belonging to celebrities, public figures, global brands, or entities representing them. The blue tick signifies that the account has been verified by Instagram and has been confirmed to be an authentic account. This helps users distinguish between fake accounts and legitimate ones and also helps to prevent impersonation. However, it is important to note that having a blue tick does not necessarily mean that an account is trustworthy or that its content is accurate.

How many followers do you need for a blue tick on Instagram?
How many followers do you need for a blue tick on Instagram?

How many followers do you need for a blue tick on Instagram?

The blue tick on Instagram is a verification badge that appears next to the username of certain accounts. It signifies that the account is authentic and belongs to a public figure, celebrity, or global brand. Instagram introduced this feature in 2014 to help users differentiate between real and fake accounts, which is especially important for high-profile users who may be targeted by impersonators.

To obtain a blue tick, an account must meet certain criteria set by Instagram, such as being complete, public, and adhering to the platform’s terms of service and community guidelines. The account must also be notable and have a high likelihood of being impersonated or confused with other similar accounts. This includes accounts of celebrities, politicians, athletes, and other public figures.

The blue tick serves as a mark of credibility and authenticity, which can help users identify legitimate accounts and avoid scams or fake profiles. It also provides a sense of validation and recognition for those who have earned it, as it signifies that their account is recognized as being of public interest.

Criteria set by Instagram for account verification

Instagram is one of the most popular social media platforms that allows people to connect with friends, family, and even businesses from all over the world. With millions of users logging in every day, it can be challenging to stand out from the crowd. This is where Instagram’s verification process comes in.

The blue checkmark next to an Instagram account’s name signifies that it is a verified account. This checkmark is an indication that the account is authentic and belongs to a public figure, celebrity, or global brand.

Instagram has set certain criteria for accounts to be eligible for verification. These include:

  1. Authenticity: The account must represent a real person, a registered business, or an entity.
  2. Completeness: The account must have a complete bio, a profile picture, and at least one post.
  3. Uniqueness: The account must be unique and represent only one individual or brand.
  4. Public: The account must be public, not private.
  5. Notable: The account must represent a well-known public figure, celebrity, or global brand or be featured in multiple news sources.

If your account meets these criteria, you can submit a verification request through Instagram’s settings. Keep in mind that verification is not guaranteed, and Instagram has the right to deny any request.

Tips for Increasing Verification Chances

Getting that coveted blue verification badge on Instagram can help you stand out from the crowd and gain credibility as an influencer or public figure. Here are some tips for increasing your verification chances:

  1. Complete your profile. Make sure your profile is complete and up-to-date with a profile picture, bio, and contact information.
  2. Be active: Post regularly and engage with your followers to increase your visibility and show that you are an active user.
  3. Build a following: Growing your followers takes time, but it’s important to build a strong following to show that you have a significant presence on the platform.
  4. Be authentic: Instagram values authenticity, so make sure your content is original and reflects your brand.
  5. Get featured: Being featured on other popular Instagram accounts or media outlets can help increase your visibility and credibility.
  6. Apply for verification: Once you have met the above criteria, you can apply for verification through Instagram’s settings. Be prepared to provide identification and other relevant information to support your request.

Remember that verification is not guaranteed, but following these tips can increase your chances of being approved.

Instagram’s Response to Verification Requests

Firstly, Instagram only verifies accounts that are in the public interest. This means that the account must represent a well-known, highly searched-for person, brand, or entity. Secondly, the account must be complete with a bio, a profile picture, and at least one post. Thirdly, the account must be active and have a significant following. Lastly, the account must adhere to Instagram’s terms of service and community guidelines.

To apply for verification, users must go to their profile settings and tap the “Request Verification” option. They will then be prompted to provide their full name and a copy of a government-issued ID. Instagram also requires applicants to provide additional information that proves their authenticity, such as articles written about them or a Wikipedia page.

After submitting the verification request, Instagram will review the application and notify the user of the result. The review process can take up to 30 days, and the decision is final. If the account is not approved, the user can reapply after 30 days.

In conclusion, Instagram’s blue verification tick is a prestigious symbol of authenticity and credibility on the platform. While the process to get verified is strict, it is not impossible. Users must ensure that their account meets all the criteria and provides sufficient evidence of their authenticity to increase their chances of getting verified.


Q1: Can I buy an Instagram blue tick?

A1: No, purchasing or obtaining an Instagram blue tick through unauthorized means is against Instagram’s policies. Verification is solely based on meeting specific criteria and cannot be bought.

Q2: How many followers do you need for a blue tick on Instagram?

A2: The exact number of followers required for a blue tick is undisclosed. Instagram considers factors like authenticity, completeness, uniqueness, notability, and being in the public interest rather than solely relying on follower count.

Q3: What criteria does Instagram set for account verification?

A3: Instagram’s criteria include authenticity (representing a real person, business, or entity), completeness (with a bio, profile picture, and at least one post), uniqueness, public visibility, and notability (being a well-known public figure, celebrity, or global brand).

Q4: What are tips for increasing verification chances on Instagram?

A4: To increase chances, complete your profile, be active, build a following, be authentic in your content, get featured, and apply for verification through Instagram’s settings, providing necessary identification and relevant information.

Q5: How does Instagram respond to verification requests?

A5: Instagram verifies accounts in the public interest, requiring completeness, activity, a significant following, and adherence to guidelines. Users can apply through settings, submit an ID, and provide additional proof of authenticity. The review takes up to 30 days, and the decision is final. Reapplication is possible after 30 days if it is not approved.

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